Futura Marker + Automarker

Optimising markers is extremely simple with Futura Marker and Automarker. Reduction of waste, optimisation of productivity, management of multiple sizes and different fabrics make it an indispensable software.

Futura Marker and Futura AutoMarker are software programmes used to optimise markers. Futura Marker allows you to position the pieces of patterns created with CAD software like Futura Pattern, with the help of smart functions that make this task quick and easy. Futura AutoMarker pushes this performance to an even higher level, with the possibility of loading patterns directly from Futura Manager, managing multiple sizes and organising a variety of fabrics. Everything in just a few clicks.

and Benefits


Futura Marker is connected at all times to Futura Pattern and Futura Smart Plan. The Database (Microsoft SQL Server) manages the relationships between models and markers, ensuring constant control in the event of changes to patterns or pieces during production.


Futura Marker is a multitasking application, so the operator can manage and send several markers at the same time. Moreover, it can perform comparison checks or even copy pieces or sizes between different open markers, simply by means of pieces unit ‘copy and paste’ functions.


Futura Marker and Futura AutoMarker are simple, functional and safe; from here, the processed markers can be printed as PDFs, or exported in HPGL format for the printing plotter and in ISO format for the cutting machines or spreaders.


Futura Marker and Futura AutoMarker have customisable toolbars and layout.

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of the software

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